Wednesday, 10 April 2013 | 09:14

So these are one of those stimulating Design Week experiences in which you actually came for the food, but stayed for the art. Because let's be honest, when you see a catering table, you stay, regardless of the event. But in this case, entering yet another beautiful 19th century building, timidly going up a flight of stairs, a pleasant surprise welcomes you. At first you think that you have entered an auction: surrounded by paintings, old rugs and dainty little vases behind glass. You'd think some Baron with bad taste lived there. Instead, walking on squeaky floor-boards, you find IT: large panels with anatomic and zootomic drawings, overlapped with different colors (RGB of course). The panels "react" to the different lighting, with each different colored lighting, a different outline emerges on the panel. The works are by the duo Carnovsky, it covers the ground floor and one mid-height flat of the Adolfo Pini building, and it is one of those art exhibits in which you don't have to stay longer to pretend that you like or understand the work. It is simple, effective, cunning and visually stunning. A must-see.