DEF: Reporter digitale. Soggetto con macchina fotografica
o telefono, che in autonomia scatta immagini, ferma sguardi,
punti di vista sugli eventi, e li riporta in real time sul portale.
Nasce con l’E-design, un ruolo professionale che attraverso le
tecnologie digitali produce e condivide informazioni attraverso
piattaforme multidevice.
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Scopri i 100 ragazzi che documentano in diretta eventi e party del Fuorisalone!
MACCHINA FOTOGRAFICA reflex pentax K200 e compatta sony cybershot
My name is alice, and I'm attendig the first year degree in interior design at the Polytechnic of Milan.I recently graduated in interior design to three years at NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts of Milan) where I spent three fantastic years in design.
My passion, as well as design, is the photography. I am a self in continuous learning, I like to learn and wherever I go I carry with me my faithful compact or, in special occasions, my lady reflex, companion of many adventures and several travel. Just last year together we have meticulously documented the forniture fair Cohomtemporary, a blog created by the agency Tirelli & Partners, on which, in the section "Salone del Mobile 2011" you can still read my posts. It 'was a challenging experience because it is able to bind two aspects of my life for me very important so through the blog my thoughts were shared with whoever wants to immerse in.
The tradition of "fuorisalone" lasted for me for four years now, always present, always at the forefront ready to explore not only the things in "in plain sight", but also to discover new paths, new places, new events.