DEF: Reporter digitale. Soggetto con macchina fotografica o telefono, che in autonomia scatta immagini, ferma sguardi, punti di vista sugli eventi, e li riporta in real time sul portale. Nasce con l’E-design, un ruolo professionale che attraverso le tecnologie digitali produce e condivide informazioni attraverso piattaforme multidevice.
Scopri i 100 ragazzi che documentano in diretta eventi e party del Fuorisalone!
I have always been an observer. Ever since I was very young I was exposed to many different cultures and people around the world due to my travels with family and friends. Being a young international student from Poland, and studying first in America and then in Milan, has given me a completely different perspective on people and life. For me, photography is the type of media that opens one's eyes to the beauty of what surrounds us every day. I am very passionate about capturing moments and finding interesting details in space every time I am holding camera in my hands. For many, Milan is one of the best cities in Europe to visually explore design and media of today's world. Being an e-reporter for the fuori salone 2012 would be an amazing opportunity and challenge to showcase and develop my photographic skills in this area.