DEF: Reporter digitale. Soggetto con macchina fotografica o telefono, che in autonomia scatta immagini, ferma sguardi, punti di vista sugli eventi, e li riporta in real time sul portale. Nasce con l’E-design, un ruolo professionale che attraverso le tecnologie digitali produce e condivide informazioni attraverso piattaforme multidevice.
Scopri i 100 ragazzi che documentano in diretta eventi e party del Fuorisalone!
I am a international student from Scotland studing photography in Milan. I have a background in graphic and web design having studying multimedia in Edinburgh. I discovered my passion for photography while traveling around Australia and New Zealand where i realised the potential of photography. After my travels I decided to study photography and after looking for the best location in Europe I decided on Milan as it is the capital for design and fashion and thought there would be great opportunities for photography. My aim in photography is to use lines, shape and geometry to create my own work. I am determined self motivated photographer who enjoys a challenge and I also work well as part of team. I am very excited by the prospect of this opportunity to help capture the world famous Fuori Salone and show my vision of cutting edge design.