“FLUIDIC – Sculpture in Motion”
Inspired by the nature – from water drops to be a sculpture. Transforamtion of liquid
metal to being a car. Formation as a key aspect – from molecules into a being holistic form.
The first part of the cycle will not be interactive at first. Virtual rain will be dropping from the top into the installation – 14.000 laser dots. It leaves a brightly glowing dot of light stopping at random positions. The glowing dots connect to a network of lights, first resembling an organic cell network, then transforming into a grid of streets and city lights. Finally rotating and zooming out into a map of the world, then dissolving into individual glowing dots attracted by the visitors...the cycle starts again.
When guests get closer to the installation, curious light elements start to flicker and arrange. The visitor can actively engage with the swarm by moving in front of the installation. The swarm of lights will follow. The swarm of physical lights is aggregating and accumulating to be guided and shaped by the useres presence and interaction. Brush lik hand stokes leave calligraphic lines and curves within the particle array, slowly fading over time.
The full body of the installation with all elements flully activated acts as the basis for sculptural explorations of the users. By usings their hands as tools the visitors can remove parts of the volume.
Parallel three-dimensional lines are streamingthrough the arry from one end to the other like in a wind tunnel. The user can interact with the streams by pushing and pulling them with hand gestures to simulate obstaclees and shapes interacting with the flow. Finally the stormy lines are drawing abstract dynamic shapes, the ghostly image of a car flashing by, wavy patterns. Ultimately filling up the installation with virtual fluid.