Limitless CO-existence
Le Cavallerizze
Via Olona 6
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April 2018
Lexus announces Limitless CO-existence: a breathtaking project created by Japanese architect Sota Ichikawa
Lexus International announces its Limitless CO-existence event, taking place in the newly restored Cavallerizze in Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, from April 17 to April 22, at Milan Design Week 2018.
Focused on the concept "CO-", which embodies the meaning of participation and connection, the project offers a real amazing experience where nature and society coexist harmoniously.
The event’s sensational main installation created by Japanese architect Sota Ichikawa of doubleNegatives Architecture brings visitors face-to-face with “CO-” represented in a dynamic artwork existing in four dimensions. Built on an imaginative ideology that everyone is the center of the world, a visually infinite number of hanging vertical strings are used to represent the world’s individuals. Each hanging vertical string is simultaneously illuminated by a single light source and yet not one is in the shadows; a representation that each individual perspective is its own center. Through the use of technology and innovative design thinking, the seemingly impossible is achieved.
In addition, visitors will have the opportunity to view the works from the 12 Finalists from the 2018 Lexus Design Award which celebrates up and coming creative talent from around the world and on the Press Day of April 16th, the Grand Prix winner will be chosen by the world renowned Jury in front of the world’s media.
Sota Ichikawa
For information:
Anna Del Piccolo, Omnicom Pr Group, 0039 02 624119.38 - 335 8470267,
Jordana Hassan, Omnicom Pr Group, 0039 02 624119.32 - 338 8875174
Alessia Barone, Omnicom Pr Group, 0039 02 624119.65

on map
of the event -
Limitless CO-existence
Annavittoria Avesani -
Limitless CO-existence
Alessandro Lorefice -
Limitless CO-existence
Erika Sambusida -
Limitless CO-existence
Erika Sambusida -
Limitless CO-existence
Erika Sambusida -
Limitless CO-existence
Erika Sambusida -
Limitless CO-existence
Penelope Vaglini -
Limitless CO-existence
Lei Monica Chen -
Limitless CO-existence
Lei Monica Chen -
Limitless CO-existence
Giulia Cosci -
Limitless CO-existence
Giulia Cosci -
Limitless CO-existence
Giulia Cosci -
Limitless CO-existence
Vito Salamone -
Limitless CO-existence
Vito Salamone