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April 2018
TRAVEL SIZE is a focus about the measure of travel, the island of detention into the transitory space of Milano Lancetti station, a deviation from prescriptions.
MISURA: miṡura s. f. [lat. mensūra, der. di mensus part. pass. di metiri «misurare»]. “Si confronta con gli oggetti per conoscerne il rapporto.” Morale: Regola, Ordine, Disposizione; Provvedimento; fig. Limite, Moderazione, Ritegno, Prudenza..
Inside the suburban context of Milano Lancetti station, Travel Size creates a break among traveler flow.
The research of Federico Manfredini and Francesco Tola starts from the analysis about the rules that structure the journey and from measuring the space within which traveler's journey is completed. Arriving at the platforms, coming back to the surface, baggage sizes, smartphones distractions, passing through the underground turnstiles (first obstacle that forces passengers to slow down their journey), exiting from the station to meet the city; all those elements define wich is the design of travellers. Each of these moments is chained to spaces and architectural structure of the station that creates the passenger's rhythm.
Considering all the architectural standards found into architecture manuals (from Le Corbusier's Modulor to the most contemporary), which prescribe the structural dimensions of buildings, Manfredini and Tola create a focus on the structure of SERRA space underlining the suspension function from the distracted motion in favor of the activation of an affected pause.
Finissage Friday, April 20 at 19.00
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Exhibition - Finissage / Cocktail
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