


8-14 April 2019

Puntopiù: interior design and automotive in a metaphor of travel for an aesthetic without frontiers.

Since it was founded in 1984, Puntopiù has never stopped focusing all its work on research. It has always firmly believed in experimentation, both in terms of new materials and new techniques. Thanks to its creativity, Puntopiù can offer ideas, new approaches, imagination, style and opportunities to envisage future aesthetic solutions. And all this without ever overlooking the context; in other words, that it is operating in the field of decoration and is the expression of Italian craftsmanship of the very highest quality. This has made the company a benchmark for the high-fashion sector for over thirty years, excelling at finding the answers even before the questions arise. This is why today, Puntopiù is turning its attention to the interior design and automotive sectors, with the aim of going even further. Beyond its own boundaries.

Travelling is a contamination of eras, colours and emotions that blend in creations, to narrate new experiences. We begin with some vintage finds, forgotten pieces that take on new meanings as unique objects, works of art that recall travel experiences and travel fusion. Four Baroque-style chairs pave the way for four themes. Reworked and reinterpreted in a sophisticated pop key, they symbolise the stages of an imaginary journey and are both the departure point and destination of evocative places that range from Africa, to Asia through to America and the Antarctic. As well as the chairs, we have brought many other period pieces back to life, whilst others have been specially created as they are congenial to a certain type of grandeur.

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8 Monday
10:00 - 19:00
9 Tuesday
10:00 - 19:00
10 Wednesday
10:00 - 19:00
11 Thursday
10:00 - 19:00
12 Friday
10:00 - 19:00
13 Saturday
10:00 - 19:00
14 Sunday
10:00 - 19:00
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