District of the Network of Monk's Valley
Distretto della Rete della Valle dei Monaci
via San Dionigi, 90
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April 2017
The new Design District between spirituality, land and agriculture
DepurArt Lab Gallery, gallery / experimental workshop founded six years ago by the Movement of Thought
Art to eat eating Art inside the Milan Nosedo Wastewater Treament Plant, in the "Valley
Monks ", he gives life to the new District of the Valley of the Monks Network.
Since April 4, 2017 a NEW Design District in NATURE, strongly rooted in the TERRITORY
open to the public.
In ancient Valley of the Monks, located in the South Agricultural Park of Milan, the art and technique they return
dialogue with the surrounding landscape, a few minutes from downtown Milan.
Visitors are invited to discover installations and design exhibitions protagonists of the new
District of the Valley of the Monks Network for a (re) discovery of the authenticity of the land and values
of hospitality. Starting from Via S. Dionigi 77 and coming to the Abbey of Clairvaux meet:
Nocetum Center, Via S. Dionigi, 77 (Cascina Corte S. Giacomo) opening 11:00 to 18:00.
Benches of Hospitality: three designers artists Art Movement to eat eating Art (VOP,
Vito Giacummo, Vaska) implement three benches from which you can post on instagram and selfies
facebook with #valledemonaci and #artedamangiare. The welcome has always distinguished Nocetum,
which houses an Educational Community and accommodation for the autonomy of women in difficult situation
social fragility. The garden and the farmyard take us to the connections between cities and rural areas.
DepurArt Lab Gallery, Via S. Dionigi, 90, from 11:00 to 18:00 hours, Sunday 9:30 to 12:00
Installation of outdoor art and design interpret the theme of "purity", in the strip of lawn that
along the implantation of Milan Nosedo Treatment.
Show cast iron manholes in the foundry Montini, who won the ADI Compasso d'Oro with the project
"Sfera": The manholes collection ironic reconsiders surface finishes of the humble but essential
element of urban furniture.
It will also be open to the innovative system of Milan Nosedo Wastewater Treatment Plant, excellent example of
Water architecture, designed by the architect Prof. Braghieri.
Sunday, April 9, 10:00 am Cold Discussion "WATER: shape and substance", open discussion
Interdisciplinary on water by artist Laurentiu Craioveanu.
10:30 am departure of Milan Nordic Walking.
CHIARAVALLE VILLAGE. Guided tours organized by the Association Borgo di Chiaravalle:
Shared Garden "Earth Reborn", Via S. Bernardo 35/6, opening 5-6-7 in April 10:00 to 13:00.
Wood pile out fixtures and furniture in the garden give life to the installations of "farm design" Art in
the balance that will make visitors think the element of wood as important meanings vehicle
At Locanda Chiaravalle, Via S. Bernardo, 36, opened April 4 to 9, hours of the restaurant, exhibition
Art and design by Arte to eat.
Abbey of Clairvaux and Mill, Via S. Arialdo 102, opening and guided tours Abbey 4-9
April, the Old Mill April 8 to 9, for the schedule of guided tours, please contact the Info Point
Chiaravalle: infopoint@monasterochiaravalle.it tel: 02 84930432.
Saturday, April 8, 15:00 to 18:00 in Opatija meeting "Spirituality, Culture and culture," and then visit
tour of the monastery "Chiaravalle and the arts: the link with Milan" (booking
mandatory). Event organized by Koinè social cooperative within the project "Cogita et labora".
Orchard S. Bernardo, S. Bernardo Cascina, Via S.Arialdo 131.
Design Walk in nature through the "Orchard" run by the Humane Society, in
collaboration with Nocetum.
Arte da mangiare mangiare Arte
Arte da mangiare mangiare Arte - Art to eat eating Art
+39 0239843575
Exhibition - Tour of Chiaravalle Abbey and Old Mill, for reservation and hours +39 0284930432
Exhibition - DepurArt Lab Gallery: open air installation between art and design
Exhibition - Benches of Hospitality: three designers-artist create benches, on which we can take selfies
Exhibition - Orchard of St. Bernardo, design of nature
Exhibition - Exhibition of manholes in cast iron by foundry Montini, winner of the Compasso d'Oro prize
Exhibition - Visit at the innovative system of Milan Nosedo Wastewater Treatment Plant, designed by Arch. Braghieri
Exhibition - Locanda Chiaravalle, exhibition of art and design from Art to eat eating Art
Exhibition - Tour of Chiaravalle Abbey and Old Mill, for reservation and hours +39 0284930432
Exhibition - Garden Shared Rinata earth, wood and furniture in the Art Garden in semitrailer Agricultural and Design
Exhibition - DepurArt Lab Gallery: open air installation between art and design
Exhibition - Benches of Hospitality: three designers-artist create benches, on which we can take selfies
Exhibition - Exhibition of manholes in cast iron by foundry Montini, winner of the Compasso d'Oro prize
Exhibition - Visit at the innovative system of Milan Nosedo Wastewater Treatment Plant, designed by Arch. Braghieri
Exhibition - Orchard of St. Bernardo, design of nature
Exhibition - Locanda Chiaravalle, exhibition of art and design from Art to eat eating Art
Exhibition - Tour of Chiaravalle Abbey and Old Mill, for reservation and hours +39 0284930432
Exhibition - Garden Shared Rinata earth, wood and furniture in the Art Garden in semitrailer Agricultural and Design
Exhibition - Benches of Hospitality: three designers-artist create benches, on which we can take selfies
Exhibition - DepurArt Lab Gallery: open air installation between art and design
Exhibition - Orchard of St. Bernardo, design of nature
Exhibition - Visit at the innovative system of Milan Nosedo Wastewater Treatment Plant, designed by Arch. Braghieri
Exhibition - Exhibition of manholes in cast iron by foundry Montini, winner of the Compasso d'Oro prize
Exhibition - Locanda Chiaravalle, exhibition of art and design from Art to eat eating Art
Exhibition - Tour of Chiaravalle Abbey and Old Mill, for reservation and hours +39 0284930432
Exhibition - Garden Shared Rinata earth, wood and furniture in the Art Garden in semitrailer Agricultural and Design
Exhibition - Benches of Hospitality: three designers-artist create benches, on which we can take selfies
Exhibition - Orchard of St. Bernardo, design of nature
Exhibition - Visit at the innovative system of Milan Nosedo Wastewater Treatment Plant, designed by Arch. Braghieri
Exhibition - DepurArt Lab Gallery: open air installation between art and design
Exhibition - Exhibition of manholes in cast iron by foundry Montini, winner of the Compasso d'Oro prize
Exhibition - Locanda Chiaravalle, exhibition of art and design from Art to eat eating Art
Exhibition - Tour of Chiaravalle Abbey and Old Mill, for reservation and hours +39 0284930432
Exhibition - DepurArt Lab Gallery: open air installation between art and design
Exhibition - Visit at the innovative system of Milan Nosedo Wastewater Treatment Plant, designed by Arch. Braghieri
Exhibition - Benches of Hospitality: three designers-artist create benches, on which we can take selfies
Exhibition - Orchard of St. Bernardo, design of nature
Exhibition - Exhibition of manholes in cast iron by foundry Montini, winner of the Compasso d'Oro prize
Exhibition - Locanda Chiaravalle, exhibition of art and design from Art to eat eating Art
Meeting - meeting Spirituality, Culture and culture, organized by the social cooperative Koinè
Exhibition - Tour of Chiaravalle Abbey and Old Mill, for reservation and hours +39 0284930432
Exhibition - Visit at the innovative system of Milan Nosedo Wastewater Treatment Plant, designed by Arch. Braghieri
Exhibition - Exhibition of manholes in cast iron by foundry Montini, winner of the Compasso d'Oro prize
Exhibition - DepurArt Lab Gallery: open air installation between art and design
Meeting - Cold Discussion, WATER form and substance, open and interdisciplinary discussion by Laurentiu Craioveanu
Other - start of Milano Nordic Walking from the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Milano Nosedo
Exhibition - Orchard of St. Bernardo, design of nature
Exhibition - Benches of Hospitality: three designers-artist create benches, on which we can take selfies
Exhibition - Locanda Chiaravalle, exhibition of art and design from Art to eat eating Art

on map