
Zip Zone Events MDSW 019

Collective Exhibition of design,art, photography and jewels

Zip Zone Events is the original and innovative event format successfully created by Alessandra Stretti in the 2000s.

In two cult places for fashion and design such as Paris - where it was established - and Milan - where it was consecrated - Zip Zone has marked the escalation of emerging designers and new brands, confirming a talent show with a strong appeal in fashion, design items, furniture and art.

For its third edition at the MDSW_019, Zip Zone Events will be located in the prestigious Via Tortona at number 26, in three locations tailored for exhibition of works of design, photography, art and jewellery.

Among the exhibitors :

Barbara Stretti Artist Painter http://www.barabarastretti.it
Cycled https://www.cycledproject.com
Deesup https://www.deesup.com/
Eccel Design Milano https://francoeccel.com/
*Ei-Design http://www.ei-design.org
**Fuori di Design http://www.fuorididesign.com/
Gioielli Modulari di EliFontana http://gioiellimodulari.com/ef/
Happy The Sign https://www.instagram.com/happy_the_sign/
Ida Callegaro https://www.idacallegarofashionjewellery.com/
Italian Wood https://www.italianwood.it
Mikky Eger http://www.mikkyeger.com/
Loroetu https://www.instagram.com/loroetu/
Piero Mollica http://www.pieromollica.it/it
Sere Ku https://www.sereku.com
Serena Ferrari https://www.instagram.com/se.nellarte/

*Collective exhibition

** Collective exhibition, check the opening time on the web site

Zip Zone Event Milan MDSW_19

location: Via Tortona, 26

*Monday 8 April: from 18.00 to 20.00 * For the press opening some exhibitions might be on set up

Open to the Public: from Tuesday 9 April to Saturday 13 April: from 10.00 to 20.00

Sunday 14 April: from 10.00 to 19.00.

follow Zip Zone on social networks Instagram and Facebook: @zipzoneevents #zipzoneevents


Download press release


Ei Design
Fuori di Design by Materioteca®
Happy The Sign
italian wood

Brands: cylcleDeesupECCELEi DesignFuori di Design by Materioteca®Happy The Signitalian woodLoroetuSERE KUZIP ZONE EVENTS MDSW


Ida Callegaro
Mikky Eger
serena ferrari
Elisabetta Fontana
Piero Mollica
Barbara Stretti

Designers: Ida CallegaroMikky Egerserena ferrariElisabetta FontanaPiero MollicaBarbara Stretti




8 Monday
9 Tuesday
10:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Collective exhibition of works of design, photography, art and jewellery.
10 Wednesday
10:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Collective exhibition of works of design, photography, art and jewellery.
11 Thursday
10:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Collective exhibition of works of design, photography, art and jewellery.
12 Friday
10:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Collective exhibition of works of design, photography, art and jewellery.
13 Saturday
10:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Collective exhibition of works of design, photography, art and jewellery.
14 Sunday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - Collective exhibition of works of design, photography, art and jewellery.
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