viale Abruzzi 42
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April 2018
Metamorphosis is the name of the trend investigated by the master’s students in product design. It is characterized by the investigation of new forms, materials, textures or processes. The origin of our research was a production of a study of ZEITGUISED where the intersection between art and design, physical and digital space are found.
From that origin we have observed and related the behavior of that direction in the sociocultural environment and deepening in the world of the hábitat, making all the anatomy of this trend able to apply its characteristics in future products.
As a result, the students have made a set of objects for the world of the habitat following the observed trend, with restricted dimensions and being the ceramics the common material for all the projects.
Are you going to miss it? We are here everyday!
Cocktail party:
The amazing part of living the metamorphosis is to experiment unexpected mixtures. That's why we invite you to taste the fusion of South American corn and the Spanish coast drink at our cocktail party.
Thursday, April 18th 2018, at Ventura Future from 8pm to 10pm.
Don't miss it!
Last call, Sunday April 22nd 2018.
Time flies! Don't miss our last day in the exhibition, we are still here until 6 pm. Come on, you still have one more chance!
Tot plegat Collective
Product Design
Party / cocktail - Cocktail party!
Exhibition - Are you going to miss it? Is it our last day to see you! Come check it out, you will not regret!

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