Norwegian Presence
Opificio 31 // Loftino e Officine Cova
Via Tortona 31
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April 2018
The latest Nordic design trends can be seen with the Norvegian Presence project, a collaboration between Design and Architecture Norway (DOGA), Klubben (Norwegian Designers Union), Norwegian Crafts and The Federationof Norwegian Industries, a display focusing on the values of sustainability, quality and sharing. The exhibition involved those projects that have distinguished themselves for the quality of the used materials, the respect for the value of sustainability and the sense of fellesskap - the Norwegian word that denotes a focus on the community. Products and prototypes will be presented ranging from furniture to textiles to sculpture and installation, involving some of the best known Norwegian producers, including Vestre and creative companies just launched as Objekt.

on map
of the event -
Norwegian Presence
Giulia Cosci -
Norwegian Presence
claudia capra -
Norwegian Presence
claudia capra -
Norwegian Presence
Lei Monica Chen -
Norwegian Presence
Silvano Giumelli -
Norwegian Presence
Silvano Giumelli -
Norwegian Presence
Giulia Ambrosi -
Norwegian Presence
Giulia Ambrosi -
Norwegian Presence
Lei Monica Chen -
Norwegian Presence
Leonardo Cristiano -
Norwegian Presence
Leonardo Cristiano -
Norwegian Presence
Leonardo Cristiano -
Norwegian Presence
Leonardo Cristiano -
Norwegian Presence
Antonio Mocchetti -
Norwegian Presence
Antonio Mocchetti -
Norwegian Presence
Antonio Mocchetti -
Norwegian Presence
Antonio Mocchetti -
Norwegian Presence
Antonio Mocchetti -
Norwegian Presence
Antonio Mocchetti