Fabbrica del Vapore
Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini, 4
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April 2018
He will be the person to welcome you into the dining room of Innocenti
Evasioni. Extroverted and creativesince birth, with a talent for
interpreting tastes, he offers a smile and some advice, leading the
diners in an unforgettable experience. Tommaso also manages the wine
cellar, always seeking innovations for the menu; to do so, with Eros
Picco, he directly visits the vintners.
Over his career, he has worked in some of the most renowned Italian
restaurants, until he dedicated his whole heart and creativity to
the restaurant that he opened with Eros.
The years have offered him opportunities to travel to places all over
the world, where he has been called for his experience as a Chef. The
search for taste, care for the environment, and attention to quality
serviceare only some of Tommaso’s passions.
For years, he has also appeared on television asChef Residenton the
“Detto Fatto” (No sooner said than done) program on RAI Two. Those
who prefer to read instead may just leaf through the magazine“La
Cucina Italiana” (Group Condé Nast), where his recipes are published.
Tommaso Arrigoni
0039 0332226147
Exhibition - TOMMASO ARRIGONI, live music Valentina Mey

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