miFAC Gallery
via Santa Marta 18
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April 2018
New African art and Italian design
A group of works by more than 30 Italian and African artists form a unique and harmonious path promotingthe added value of cultural diversity. From 17th to 22nd April, at miFAC Gallery in Palazzo SIAM (Encouragement Society of Arts and Crafts), there will be an exhibition of limited edition worksrealized by craftsmenshipsof both countries. They are furnishing accessories, fabrics, furniture and everyday objects made of materials like wood, metal, ceramics, glass.
Curated by Michela Coduttiand Rebecca Hoyes, with the artistic direction of Vincent Insinga, Milano#Dakar is realized in collaboration withAmref Health Africaand Italianway, co-produced by Artemest with the artistic advice of the Center Culturel du Manoirand with Internationaliaas media partner. A special thank goes to Cape Best Milano.
In addition to the aesthetic and artistic value, Milano#Dakar enhances the great social valueof the exhibited works, having chosen actors aware of their role in the fair development of local economies.
The African works come from cooperatives creating job opportunities for young Africans and for women who have suffered ill-treatment, projects that promote educational training and form populations in their territories of origin.
Milano#Dakar is one of the events of the FuoriSalone 2018 promoted by 5VIE Art + Design.
Press office and PR:
Marika De Sandoli - MK Communication
Mobile +39 3382311495
Exhibition - A group of works by more than 30 Italian and African artists form a unique and harmonious path promoting the added value of cultural diversity.
Exhibition - A group of works by more than 30 Italian and African artists form a unique and harmonious path promoting the added value of cultural diversity.
Party / cocktail - Vernissage
Exhibition - A group of works by more than 30 Italian and African artists form a unique and harmonious path promoting the added value of cultural diversity.
Exhibition - A group of works by more than 30 Italian and African artists form a unique and harmonious path promoting the added value of cultural diversity.
Exhibition - A group of works by more than 30 Italian and African artists form a unique and harmonious path promoting the added value of cultural diversity.
Exhibition - A group of works by more than 30 Italian and African artists form a unique and harmonious path promoting the added value of cultural diversity.

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