illy Coffee Room. A polysensory journey to discover coffee
Via Alemagna, 6
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April 2016
“illy Coffee Room. A polysensory journey to discover coffee” is a path consisting of 9 artistic installations that by the use of colors, sounds and ideas takes the visitor on a journey through an experience from bean to the cup. The result of this journey is a cup of coffee created with the Personal Blender, the innovative concept that allows you to make your own blend according to personal tastes and preferences.
illyartlab hosts the “illy Coffee Room. Viaggio polisensoriale alla scoperta del caffè”, a journey to enhance the personal knowledge and experience of coffee. At its illyartlab space, visitors will be introduced to the world of coffee through a video that will guide him from the production countries to the cup at the bar, following a path that narrates of passionate men about their work and far places. At the following step of the journey, the visitor will be welcomed in a room where he will find 9 installations, 9 coffee beans that stimulate his senses, pushing them to become the protagonists in a multi-sensory experience. At the end of the journey, the guest will be headed towards a sort of training 'as connoisseur' to discover his personal taste, during which he can compose his own personal blend, according to his tastes and preferences, thanks to the Personal Blender.
The exhibition will be open until July 10 2016.
illy Press Office – Connexia, Phone. +39 02 8135541
Valentina Calaminici:
Maria Caso:
Ilaria Montalti:

on map
of the event -
illy Coffee Room. A polysensory journey to discover coffee
Riccardo Quaranta -
illy Coffee Room. A polysensory journey to discover coffee
Stefania Tagliabue -
illy Coffee Room. A polysensory journey to discover coffee
Edoardo Sessa -
illy Coffee Room. A polysensory journey to discover coffee
Edoardo Sessa -
illy Coffee Room. A polysensory journey to discover coffee
Edoardo Sessa -
illy Coffee Room. A polysensory journey to discover coffee
Edoardo Sessa