Nina for the dogs for Milano Design Week
Spazio Tadini
Via Niccolò Jommelli, 24
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April 2017
Fuorisalone 2017- April 1 to 16 Tadini Space Milan Design -The design solidarity in support of animals is an idea of Angela Resina that designed NINA. It is a faithful reproduction of her little dog that becomes a symbol of love for dogs between play and design furniture. The exhibition at the House Museum Tadini Space includes customized artistic production by various artists. This exhibition is part of an exhibition dedicated to design for children and young people beginning with the exposure of the reproduction of the painting Van Gogh’s bedroom at Arles built by master carpenters for Max Camerette, the first company to having designed rooms for boys and ends with the exhibition of Lino Giussani who creates works through the inlay technique.
House Space Museum Tadini
1 to 16 April 2017
hours from Wednesday to Saturday from 15.30 to 19.30
Sunday from 15 to 18.30
Saturday 8 and Sunday, April 9 opening from 11 to 19
5 euro entry.
Angela Resina 0039 3343335469

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