Spazio Formentini
via Formentini, 9
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April 2017
Milano, April, 3rd, 2017 - The continuing search for optimized shapes passes through generative design. Algorithm generated forms come from parametric modeling. The path to the future of making things passes through digital tools in the workspace 3.0. A combination of these elements enables us to enjoy the symbio- sis between classic and 3D printed products.
Shapemode a leading 3D design and 3D printing studio based in Milan, Italy, is working with 10 pioneering Italian designer to explore the possibilities offered by use of generative software for a concept “ReMesh”
Taking place both at Workspace3.0 area of the Salone del Mobile fair and at the Future of Making Things for Fuorisalone, /sim·bi·ò·sys/ will use high resolution Creaform 3D scanners to bring real products into the virtual world and parametrically remesh them. A new, generatively designed product will be brought back into the physical world through 4 networked, high resolution XFab 3D printers.
Gum Design
Studio Lievito
Dodo Arslan
Paolo Emilio Bellisario
Marco De Masi
Andrea Francesconi
Stefania Lucchetta
Salvatore Saldano
Cristian Visentin
Alessandro Zomparelli

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