Via Senato, 45 ang. Piazza Cavour
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April 2017
Mat3ria Lab is a different, original way to propose the house, the design and production of furniture.
A unique approach, untied from addiction to production cycles industrial and the slavery of form, which binds in an inseparable way contemporary thought, vocation to innovation and experimentation, creative freedom and true craftsmanship Italian, beyond any style or fashion.
The Mat3ria Lab products issue the passion of those who made them, show the experience of his hands, the time it took for build, the value and the wonder of it is made of materials with Its uniqueness and imperfections.
What we choose to put in our home is something we accompanies for a long period of our life, is not an object of consumption, but something to be taken by the pleasure of own it and use it taking us in everyday life.
The Mat3ria Lab world identifies with sophisticated finishes: brass burnished or scratched is mixed with the wood, the aged silver converses with natural stone treated unfinished, wood types, materials natural and warm colors in contrast to the glass skins. A warm international house, elegant and informal, made up replacement artisan matrix, customizable on request, in which material and design of the products are at the same time elements of design and decoration of the house Mat3ria Lab

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