I Giardini di Leonardo — Andrea Liberni, Atelier del Paesaggio, Green Island, Vivai Giorgio Tesi Group.
"I Giardini di Leonardo" is a tribute to the genius of Leonardo da Vinci to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the passing of the Grand Master. It is a public path created by Claudia Zanfi and Andrea Liberni, in which botany, architecture, eco-design and nature come together in a new project that transforms the Isola district into an art garden, with entirely vegetable materials, set up in the outdoor area of Stecca 3.0.
Atelier del Paesaggio
Atelier del Paesaggio
Green Island
Vivai Giorgio Tesi Group
Brands: Atelier del PaesaggioGreen IslandVivai Giorgio Tesi Group
Andrea Liberni
Andrea Liberni
Designers: Andrea Liberni
Email: czanfi@libero.it
Web site: www.amaze.it/AMAZE/it/it/news