DOS_Design Open' Spaces Widespread District/Torre Liprando
9-11, 13 April 2019
DOS_The Bench Collective/Post Human Design Exhibit
In the context of the DOS_Design Open' Spaces Widespread District project, The Bench Collective will create an installation in the frame of Torre Liprando, in the Sarpi District.
Post Human Design installation takes visitors on a trans-media journey, set in a futuristic scenario that mixes augmented reality with a natural, almost primordial environment. The exhibition makes the contents usable through an engaging user_experience, which makes those who experience it an actor, exploiting the technological tools that each of us always carries with him or her. The physical exhibition is divided into three thematic areas that represent the steps to be taken: from the "rebirth"/profiling of the avatar guide, to the exploration of the scenarios, up to the achievement of a critical thought, to provoke dialogue among the participants, and stimulate different levels of awareness of sensitive issues in close relation with the age in which we live.
Peraria Srl
Brands: AFROTECH srlsPeraria Srl
Shanti Alberti di Catenajo
Andrea Alò
Lorenzo Angè
Giovanni Di Crescenzio
Lorenzo Fort
Andrea Giussani
Alessandro Ianniello
Giulio Interlandi
Marcello Maffi
Andrea Mancinelli
Gianluca Marchitelli
Rei Morozumi
Giovanni Orlando
Marco Sebastiani
Designers: Shanti Alberti di CatenajoAndrea AlòLorenzo AngèGiovanni Di CrescenzioLorenzo FortAndrea GiussaniAlessandro IannielloGiulio InterlandiMarcello MaffiAndrea MancinelliGianluca MarchitelliRei MorozumiGiovanni OrlandoMarco Sebastiani
Exhibition - Exhibit of Post Human Design installation by The Bench Collective
Exhibition - Exhibit of Post Human Design installation by The Bench Collective + DjSet
Exhibition - Exhibit of Post Human Design installation by The Bench Collective
Exhibition - Exhibit of Post Human Design installation by The Bench Collective + Meditation&Music