
Ryokan-inn BOSCAGE OKUYUGAWARA × Team 24:01

The soul asleep inside you wakes up.

Team 24:01 is a creative community that has approved of Project 24:01.

To share the world views that the creators of Team 24:01 collaboratively create "going towards the near future," we provide a place for various activities.

 This time, the stage for Team 24:01 is a high-class Japanese inn that will be newly established in Yugawara, Japan, in June 2019, "BOSCAGE kariya OKUYUGAWARA."

We will be displaying an installation of BOSCAGE's lighting plan at Milano Design Week 2019.

BOSCAGE's lighting plan is a space of lights where Japan's ancient way of living together with nature enables one to feel and realize, in the quiet and dark, that one is also a life that is amidst nature. The light is almost like a condensation of a few hundred years of sunlight filtering through trees. Led by that light, one can remember that they are a part of the land.

In the lighting piece that we will display at Milano Design Week in April 2019, we took impressions of each and every memory and existence of moss-covered rock and tree that was once in a forest, enclosed them in acrylic, and let them be reborn as transparent objects.

Our aim is for us not to forget our hearts and continue existing as humans with nature, even with the science and technology that has developed for humans to live more comfortably.

This is a project to realize such a near future.


studio co.co.ro design di Hideki Suzuki
Team 24:01

Brands: BOSCAGE Kariya OKUYUGAWARArules.co.jpstudio co.co.ro design di Hideki SuzukiTeam 24:01UOKI.co.jp


Sito Web: https://www.boscage.jp/

Email: office@rules.co.jp

8 Monday
16:00 - 20:00
Press preview
16:00 - 20:00
9 Tuesday
11:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Installation of lighting and images
10 Wednesday
11:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Installation of lighting and images
11 Thursday
11:00 - 21:00
Exhibition - Installation of lighting and images
12 Friday
11:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Installation of lighting and images
13 Saturday
11:00 - 20:00
Exhibition - Installation of lighting and images
14 Sunday
11:00 - 18:00
Exhibition - Installation of lighting and images
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