4NPlatform & digital manufacturing
9-14 April 2019
Negro Progetti designs for circular economy
Negro Progetti boasts a consolidated international experience in the field of textiles (knitwear, scarves, shawls), accessories (shoes) furnishing (carpets, cushions), and website layout development (bio.savebybooking.it). Its projects are directed towards a circular and “sartorial” economy, combining both sustainable and recoverable materials and modern digital manufacturing in order to update both use and production of fashion/design products.
A significant example is the project 4NPlatform ( a modular unit shoe) that will be distributed on the platform savebybooking.com using a specific alternative e-commerce model: either as an online downloadable project, as a customized finished product, or as individual components / spare parts that will be produced upon reaching an "optimal" quantity of orders that allows the optimization of production processes.
The firm develops fashion accessories / furnishings with natural, refined and essential character; inspired by tradition, by nature, by love for pets, it also exploits the potential of digital technologies, as demonstrated by their interactive carpets
Negro Progetti srl
Brands: Negro Progetti srl
Negro Progetti Srl
Valeria Negro
Tel. +39 02 21117598
Party / cocktail - Tasting Organic Products by bio.savebybooking.it