future is nhow
Tortona 35
Via Tortona 35
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April 2016
future is nhow is the new collective design exhibition held at nhow Milano. This year again nhow Milano is a not-to-be-missed location of FuoriSalone. The chameleonic spirit of the hotel finds its best expression during the Design Week, hosting a series of exhibitors and events that will take the visitors along a surprising emotional journey. The exhibitors inside: Amato, anonimicreativi + Archivio michelangelo + Hussain Harba, Camera di Commercio di Frosinone ed Aspiin, Dadadigitalart By-R., Hommm, Ineke Otte, IOricicloTUricicli7_Design or not Design?, Kimikim Bags + Mavìmatì Gioielli, Lufthansa, Marina Calamai, Mario Corallo of 404 Tattoo Shop, Mionetto, Model, Morelato, Muah Bijoux, Natura Donna Impresa_Il Cantiere del Design Etico, Nina for the dogs, Pol Quadens, Red Bull Upcycling, Weng Contemporary

on map
of the event -
future is nhow
Sergio Corte Peláez -
future is nhow
Sergio Corte Peláez -
future is nhow
Sergio Corte Peláez -
future is nhow
Sergio Corte Peláez -
future is nhow
Sergio Corte Peláez -
future is nhow
Marica Loparco -
future is nhow
Beatrice Poma -
future is nhow
Beatrice Poma -
future is nhow
Beatrice Poma -
future is nhow
Daniela Lancellotti -
future is nhow
Daniela Lancellotti -
future is nhow
Daniela Lancellotti -
future is nhow
Daniela Lancellotti -
future is nhow
Tiziana Campisi -
future is nhow
Tiziana Campisi