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April 2016
Rossocardinalelibri’s time to Dream
"It all comes out of a knot of cardinal red; from its thread which, grasped between the fingers, unravels as it begins its journey on canvases of the whitest linen and, by a random route, builds poetical tales between the imaginary and reality." The publishing house Rossocardinalelibri takes its shape and its inspiration from the work of writer Emanuela La Morgia Montagni, a creative spirit who succeeds in transforming her artistic talents into new literary pathways, in which narrative and poetry alternate in rhythmic cadences to express through dreams the emotion of faraway lands. The Fairy Tales of Nonnamore, White Moon, Topus in Fabula, Fairies Never Sleep, the Magic of Christmas, Magic Goes to the Stars, Ta Taràba Rabatà: the tales and fables of Rossocardinalelibri are not just books, but illustrated stories and adventures aimed at providing a reading experience which is at once refined, entertaining and accessible, taking readers of all ages faraway in time, on a journey of discovery of fantastical memories, never to be forgotten.
The series is carefully curated, with attention paid to the smallest details. The exclusive use of paper by Fedrigoni is a guarantee in itself of the quality of the materials used, and the hardback cover and stitched paperback binding - the most elegant and long lasting of all book bindings - turn books published by Rossocardinalelibri into exclusive quality products.
Rossocardinalelibri books are embellished with illustrations masterfully executed by Maddalena Olivi, and the page layout and design are by art director Claudio Beretti.
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Stefania Tagliabue