Source self made design - Source APP
Spazio Alberto Aperto
via Francesco Burlamacchi, 6
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April 2016
35 designers showcasing their work in a loft
35 designers showcasing their work in a loft
Some of our selected designers have already taken part to our previous events in Florence, and some have answered to the call that we created on purpose for the Milano Design Week. The name of the event comes from APPartamento, a perfect place for an APPuntamento and the occasion to present our new APPlication, that will become a new tool for communicating the work of Source. The Associazione Altrove has effectively worked on turning Source into a permanent project, offering constant support with helping creatives and designers selling their products, and consultation dedicated to companies and institutions.
Source App
The App will be the tool that will help Source through a smart communication of our program and it will also showcase a capsule collection of 10 products that will be promoted and sold in exclusive shops. The first of these venues will be a corner shop inside the Hotel Plaza Lucchesi in Florence.
Our partners for the Milano Design Week:
Artribune , BLB studio legale, Caffè Corsini, Cascina Cuccagna, Florence Factory, La casa in Ordine, Funghi Espresso, Primato Pugliese
Francesco Andricciola, AAA Architetti Artigiani Anonimi, Artful, Giovanni Bartolozzi, Margherita Banchi & Beatrice Novi, Caliandrowood, Roberto Carisi, Elisabetta Coccioni, Codicedesign, Giacomo Conti, Fabio Crimi, Mario D’Aquino, Ileana De Nicolais, Andrea Fantinato, Serena Fanara, Valentina Gnocchi, Ivdesign, Lab145, Loyal Loot, Peppino Lopez, Nasilowska Katarzyna, Alessia Nobile, Filippo Martini, Os Italianos, Flavio Pacino, Torquato Parisi, Susanna Pilia, Jessica Russo, Studio Lievito, Hironori Tsukue, Yu-Hsuan Hsu, Zpstudio, Ariel Zuckerman.
Conferences, workshops
Food & beverage
Product Design
Press preview
Party / cocktail
Meeting - Talk&Drink with BLB Studio Legale
Party / cocktail - Dj set with Marcello Benevento

on map
of the event -
Source self made design - Source APP
Paola Tartaglino -
Source self made design - Source APP
Paola Tartaglino -
Source self made design - Source APP
Paola Tartaglino -
Source self made design - Source APP
Paola Tartaglino -
Source self made design - Source APP
Paola Tartaglino -
Source self made design - Source APP
Paola Tartaglino -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati -
Source self made design - Source APP
Lorenzo Pennati