Adriana Lohmann's chandeliers and lighting sculptures exihibition
Loft Abiteca
via Magolfa 21
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April 2016
Adriana Lohmann's chandeliers and lighting sculptures exihibition
Abiteca isdelighted to host lighting designer Adriana Lohmann'schandeliers and sculpturesduring the Milano Design Week 2016.
Adriana designs and createsherownelegant, eco-sustainablelightingsculptures in limitededition. Hercreations, comingboth from the world of fashion and fromresearchintorecycledmaterials, make use of crystal, metal, plasticabdfabrics, combining design with jewellry. The dramaticvisual impact of hereclecticdesignsexcites the observerasthey come aliveratherthansimplyfurnishtheir living space.
Adriana Lohmann’slights decorate prestigious and luxuriouslocationsall over the world, suchas the Melià Hotel in Dubai and the Luxottica flagshipstore in Sydney, addingatmosphereto photo shoots and TV sets with chandeliers of differentshapes and materialswhich are in harmony with an infinite range of styles from classic to modern, from Baroque to pop.
You are invited to Abiteca, a new real estate agency basedon an innovative format, whereyouwillfind a warm welcome, a range of events, seminars, exhibitions and professionalpersonalisedassistance in allyour living requirements, from sellingyour home to findingyourperfect new living environment.
From April 12 to 17, in ABITECA6 Corso San Gottardo, Milan, youwillhave the opportunity to admire the beautiful creations of Adriana Lohmann.
Some of Adriana's work willalso be exhibitedat the LOFT, whichis a property on sale, in 21 Via Magolfa, exclusively home staged by Gabriella Sala.
Adriana Lohmann
Abiteca, corso San Gottardo 6, Milano
ph. 02 49 53 30 30 mob.392 92 60 138
Exhibition - Adriana Lohmann's chandeliers and lighting sculptures exihibition
Exhibition - Adriana Lohmann's chandeliers and lighting sculptures exihibition
Exhibition - Adriana Lohmann's chandeliers and lighting sculptures exihibition
Exhibition - Adriana Lohmann's chandeliers and lighting sculptures exihibition
Exhibition - Adriana Lohmann's chandeliers and lighting sculptures exihibition
Exhibition - Adriana Lohmann's chandeliers and lighting sculptures exihibition

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