IE | The Wine Rack
9-14 Aprile 2019
IE is a modular easy to transform and assemble wall system
IE is a modular easy to transform and assemble wall system.
IE has been designed to be economical, easy to assemble without the use of any screws and tools and that can store/display a wide range of items.
Since it is based on only one special cut IE module, it is cost effective to produce. It is intended to be a very affordable design piece of furniture anyone can own.
Using a mix of colours and materials IE is FUN.
You can start by purchasing a set and later on develop it further adding pieces of different colours.
Its like LEGO. You keep on building on the same thing so
it alive. The set comes with a booklet providing different composition ideas. Even though this is originally designed as a hanging piece, it can be also transformed in various free-standing shapes.
DAAA HAUS by Maria Bezzina
Brand: DAAA HAUS by Maria Bezzina
Maria Bezzina
complete design service DAAA Haus
Designer: Maria Bezzinacomplete design service DAAA Haus
INSTAGRAM: @daaahaus
FACEBOOK: daaahaus
Esposizione - IE | The Wine Rack
Esposizione - IE | The Wine Rack
Esposizione - IE | The Wine Rack
Esposizione - IE | The Wine Rack
Esposizione - IE | The Wine Rack
Esposizione - IE | The Wine Rack