Nendo: forms of movement
Superstudio Più | SuperDesign Show
via Tortona, 27
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Aprile 2018
10 concept basati sull'idea di movimento
In collaborazione con diverse aziende Giapponesi specializzate nella produzione e nell’uso di materiali particolari e nuove tecnologie, la mostra personale di Nendo presenta 10 concept basati sull’idea di movimento, che nasce dalla funzione dell’oggetto, del materiale o del metodo di produzione. Tutti e 10 i concetti sono definiti dalla delicatezza dei materiali e da una particolare attenzione alla precisione della produzione tecnica.
L’esposizione mette in mostra non solo i prodotti finali ma anche modelli e mockup di ciascun progetto, condividendo con i visitatori l’aspetto di produzione oltre al processo creativo di Nendo. Tra i 10 prodotti esposti ci sono astucci portagioielli nati dal particolare taglio di un corpo sferico, arredi dall’aspetto soffice costituiti da fogli di policarbonato, tavoli dove linee e superfici si confondono, piastrelle dove il particolare processo di stampa manuale rende visibile l’idea di movimento.
Sato - Nendo Oki

sulla mappa
dell'evento -
Nendo: forms of movement
Katia Tartaglia -
Nendo: forms of movement
Katia Tartaglia -
Nendo: forms of movement
Alessandro Lorefice -
Nendo: forms of movement
Alessandro Lorefice -
Nendo: forms of movement
Alessandro Lorefice -
Nendo: forms of movement
Stefania Tagliabue -
Nendo: forms of movement
Stefania Tagliabue -
Nendo: forms of movement
Stefania Tagliabue -
Nendo: forms of movement
Riccardo Bertani -
Nendo: forms of movement
Riccardo Bertani -
Nendo: forms of movement
Samuele Raimondi -
Nendo: forms of movement
Samuele Raimondi -
Nendo: forms of movement
Samuele Raimondi -
Nendo: forms of movement
Annavittoria Avesani -
Nendo: forms of movement
Annavittoria Avesani -
Nendo: forms of movement
Annavittoria Avesani -
Nendo: forms of movement
Annavittoria Avesani -
Nendo: forms of movement
Annavittoria Avesani -
Nendo: forms of movement
Flavia Paes Lourencao -
Nendo: forms of movement
Flavia Paes Lourencao -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elisabetta Tonoli -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elisabetta Tonoli -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elisabetta Tonoli -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elisabetta Tonoli -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elisabetta Tonoli -
Nendo: forms of movement
Lei Monica Chen -
Nendo: forms of movement
Lei Monica Chen -
Nendo: forms of movement
Lei Monica Chen -
Nendo: forms of movement
Lei Monica Chen -
Nendo: forms of movement
Lei Monica Chen -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Omenetto -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Omenetto -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Omenetto -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Omenetto -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Omenetto -
Nendo: forms of movement
Silvano Giumelli -
Nendo: forms of movement
Silvano Giumelli -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Anna Bazzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Anna Bazzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Anna Bazzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Anna Bazzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Tiziana Benedetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Tiziana Benedetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
elena salot -
Nendo: forms of movement
elena salot -
Nendo: forms of movement
elena salot -
Nendo: forms of movement
elena salot -
Nendo: forms of movement
elena salot -
Nendo: forms of movement
Giorgia Malandrino -
Nendo: forms of movement
Giorgia Malandrino -
Nendo: forms of movement
Konrad Burkhardt -
Nendo: forms of movement
Konrad Burkhardt -
Nendo: forms of movement
Konrad Burkhardt -
Nendo: forms of movement
Konrad Burkhardt -
Nendo: forms of movement
Konrad Burkhardt -
Nendo: forms of movement
Giorgia Malandrino -
Nendo: forms of movement
Flavia Paes Lourencao -
Nendo: forms of movement
Flavia Paes Lourencao -
Nendo: forms of movement
Marta Minazzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Marta Minazzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Pamela Barpi -
Nendo: forms of movement
Pamela Barpi -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Nicoletta Corbella -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Guzzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Guzzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Guzzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Guzzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Francesca Guzzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Penelope Vaglini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Penelope Vaglini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Penelope Vaglini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Veronica De Martin -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Gerosa -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Gerosa -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Gerosa -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Gerosa -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Gerosa -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Gerosa -
Nendo: forms of movement
Martina Gerosa -
Nendo: forms of movement
Davide Stanga -
Nendo: forms of movement
Davide Stanga -
Nendo: forms of movement
Davide Stanga -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Erika Sambusida -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Laura Riva -
Nendo: forms of movement
Arianna Ricca -
Nendo: forms of movement
Arianna Ricca -
Nendo: forms of movement
Marta Minazzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Marta Minazzo -
Nendo: forms of movement
Arianna Ricca -
Nendo: forms of movement
Arianna Ricca -
Nendo: forms of movement
Arianna Ricca -
Nendo: forms of movement
Michela Panizza -
Nendo: forms of movement
Michela Panizza -
Nendo: forms of movement
Michela Panizza -
Nendo: forms of movement
Michela Panizza -
Nendo: forms of movement
Michela Panizza -
Nendo: forms of movement
Michela Panizza -
Nendo: forms of movement
Arianna Ricca -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Antonio Mocchetti -
Nendo: forms of movement
Monica Faini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Monica Faini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Monica Faini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Monica Faini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Monica Faini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Monica Faini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Monica Faini -
Nendo: forms of movement
Beatrice Calomeni -
Nendo: forms of movement
Beatrice Calomeni -
Nendo: forms of movement
Beatrice Calomeni -
Nendo: forms of movement
Beatrice Calomeni -
Nendo: forms of movement
Beatrice Calomeni -
Nendo: forms of movement
Carolina Valsecchi Gillmeister -
Nendo: forms of movement
Davide Stanga -
Nendo: forms of movement
Samuele Raimondi -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Eleonora Nava -
Nendo: forms of movement
Federica Alunno -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elia Coppolecchia -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elia Coppolecchia -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elia Coppolecchia -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elia Coppolecchia -
Nendo: forms of movement
Elia Coppolecchia -
Nendo: forms of movement
Samuele Raimondi -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova -
Nendo: forms of movement
Dariia Maksimova