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Monday 23 April 2007 | 12:15

Event: Trussardi presenta “PRIVATE VIEW”   piazza della Scala

L'allestimento più interessante di fuorisalone.....trussardi ....
sono entrata in una stanza buia...circondata da 3 pareti nere lucide.....mi guardo attorno...giro un po'....niente...chiedo all'hostess se c fosse un percorso da seguire...qualcosa da fare....
mi dice: "hai la fotocamera sul cellulare?"  " si.." rispondo...." tiralo fuori, accendi la fotocamera e guarda verso le pareti...."
Prendo il telefono, fotocamera, clic.....guardo verso le pareti.........AAAHHH! vedo sullo schermo del mio cellulare cosa c'è dietro le pareti!
tra alcune installazioni statiche....anceh una bicicletta sospesa con le ruote in movimento...e 2 personaggi che si fanno un massaggio alla schiena...si persone vere, che poverine passano il loro tempo dietro quel muro......
FAVOLOSO.....grazie trussardi, grazie Paul Cocksedge....mi avete risollevata

N.B. ovviamente le foto sono fatte con il cellulare, la fotocamera vedeva nero come i miei occhi

Error generating CAPTCHA!
    [font_size] => 22
    [font_path] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/../../font/
    [font_file] => cour.ttf
PEAR_Error Object
    [error_message_prefix] => 
    [mode] => 1
    [level] => 1024
    [code] => 
    [message] => Error initializing Image_Text (font missing?!)
    [userinfo] => 
    [backtrace] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/PEAR/PEAR.php
                    [line] => 560
                    [function] => PEAR_Error
                    [class] => PEAR_Error
                    [object] => PEAR_Error Object
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => Error initializing Image_Text (font missing?!)
                            [1] => 
                            [2] => 1
                            [3] => 1024
                            [4] => 


            [1] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/PEAR/Text/CAPTCHA/Driver/Image.php
                    [line] => 108
                    [function] => raiseError
                    [class] => PEAR
                    [object] => Text_CAPTCHA_Driver_Image Object
                            [_im] => 
                            [_imt] => Image_Text Object
                                    [options] => Array
                                            [x] => 0
                                            [y] => 0
                                            [canvas] => Array
                                                    [width] => 160
                                                    [height] => 60

                                            [antialias] => 1
                                            [width] => 140
                                            [height] => 40
                                            [halign] => left
                                            [valign] => top
                                            [angle] => -6
                                            [color] => Array
                                                    [0] => #FFFFFF
                                                    [1] => #000000

                                            [color_mode] => line
                                            [font_path] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/../../font/
                                            [font_file] => cour.ttf
                                            [font_size] => 22
                                            [line_spacing] => 0.5
                                            [min_font_size] => 1
                                            [max_font_size] => 100
                                            [image_type] => 3
                                            [dest_file] => 
                                            [cx] => 90
                                            [cy] => 40
                                            [max_lines] => 1
                                            [mode] => auto

                                    [_reInits] => Array
                                            [0] => width
                                            [1] => height
                                            [2] => canvas
                                            [3] => angle
                                            [4] => font_file
                                            [5] => font_path
                                            [6] => font_size

                                    [_text] => triata
                                    [_img] => 
                                    [_tokens] => Array

                                    [_font] => 
                                    [bbox] => Array

                                    [_mode] => 
                                    [colors] => Array

                                    [_realTextSize] => Array
                                            [width] => 
                                            [height] => 

                                    [_lines] => 
                                    [_measurizedSize] => 
                                    [_init] => 

                            [_width] => 160
                            [_height] => 60
                            [_options] => Array
                                    [font_size] => 22
                                    [font_path] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/../../font/
                                    [font_file] => cour.ttf

                            [_phrase] => triata

                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => Error initializing Image_Text (font missing?!)


            [2] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/blog_article.php
                    [line] => 344
                    [function] => init
                    [class] => Text_CAPTCHA_Driver_Image
                    [object] => Text_CAPTCHA_Driver_Image Object
                            [_im] => 
                            [_imt] => Image_Text Object
                                    [options] => Array
                                            [x] => 0
                                            [y] => 0
                                            [canvas] => Array
                                                    [width] => 160
                                                    [height] => 60

                                            [antialias] => 1
                                            [width] => 140
                                            [height] => 40
                                            [halign] => left
                                            [valign] => top
                                            [angle] => -6
                                            [color] => Array
                                                    [0] => #FFFFFF
                                                    [1] => #000000

                                            [color_mode] => line
                                            [font_path] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/../../font/
                                            [font_file] => cour.ttf
                                            [font_size] => 22
                                            [line_spacing] => 0.5
                                            [min_font_size] => 1
                                            [max_font_size] => 100
                                            [image_type] => 3
                                            [dest_file] => 
                                            [cx] => 90
                                            [cy] => 40
                                            [max_lines] => 1
                                            [mode] => auto

                                    [_reInits] => Array
                                            [0] => width
                                            [1] => height
                                            [2] => canvas
                                            [3] => angle
                                            [4] => font_file
                                            [5] => font_path
                                            [6] => font_size

                                    [_text] => triata
                                    [_img] => 
                                    [_tokens] => Array

                                    [_font] => 
                                    [bbox] => Array

                                    [_mode] => 
                                    [colors] => Array

                                    [_realTextSize] => Array
                                            [width] => 
                                            [height] => 

                                    [_lines] => 
                                    [_measurizedSize] => 
                                    [_init] => 

                            [_width] => 160
                            [_height] => 60
                            [_options] => Array
                                    [font_size] => 22
                                    [font_path] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/../../font/
                                    [font_file] => cour.ttf

                            [_phrase] => triata

                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 160
                            [1] => 60
                            [2] => 
                            [3] => Array
                                    [font_size] => 22
                                    [font_path] => /var/www/clients/client160/web935/web/2007/../../font/
                                    [font_file] => cour.ttf




    [callback] => 