Thursday, 14 April 2011 | 12:19

For those who are at their baptism at the Outdoor Fair, I must apologise for what I'm about to say. I know Zona Tortona rocks. So fizzy and filled up with everything and everybody. Well, maybe that's one of the problems. You can't get anymore the guideline fo whay you are seing. And this year more than the others, looks like you have to praise for entering the openings. What a Fuorisalone is it? You need invitations for drinking, entering visiting and talking and whatever, if you wanna stay out for the night. And so we did, and, of course, we failed. Archilovers proposed a party yesterday night to celebrate their own launch. We decided to go and have a look. We were a bunch of potential architects, 3 months far from the end of the university. We had our invitation, I had the "press" pass. But it looks like at midnight they didn't allow anybody to enter, even if everyone coming out was just saying it was empty, in. So, what's the deal?! which kind of launch is the one in which you give invitations, you don't let the invited people in, your nest is empty and at midnight you already declare everything off? I don't really get it. But we didn't waste more than 5 mins trying to enter. We stepped 5 doors on the right and enter a Frankfurt Design expo, gaining a bottle of wine from the director herself and, don't really know how, finished up talking about Santa Claus. Happy ending for us, without Archilovers.