Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
9-14 April 2019
9-14 April 2019
There are 45 emerging designers presenting their projects at Milan Design Market this year and they come from all over the world. The focus of this edition is on experimental materials and innovation, while the theme, Find The Lost City, is given by the scenography created by Marie Chevalier and Colombe Crouan, which reminds of the melancholy of the lost Italy. The entire show is also enjoyable with the support of augmented reality, through the application Aria.
As always, you can also buy each single product showcased!
A. Profiles
A. Profiles
Aria The AR Platform
ARTFUL casacontemporanea
Atelier Macramè
Ceramic Studio 1300
Ciro Bergonzi Studio
DAAA HAUS by Maria Bezzina
Doreen Mccarthy by Magazzeno Art
Federica Corona & Juan Torres
Fraction Design Studio
Humi design
Kona Backpackas by Blash Design
Leuchtwerk / Risch&Grass
Luce Possibile
Maison Deux
Menia, make clear water
Nataly Rodriguez Design Studio
Neubau eyewear
Nio Cocktails
Nunzia Ponsillo_Design Studio
Seà Design
Studio Agne
Studio Carolijn Slottje
TEdo Design
Tedzukuri Atelier
Teodora Jevtic. Interior Architecture & Design
Veronica Antonucci Jewellery
Brands: A. ProfilesAMBIENTHAAria The AR PlatformARTFUL casacontemporaneaAtelier MacramèbmpDecoBonobolaboCampidarteCeramic Studio 1300Ciro Bergonzi StudioDAAA HAUS by Maria BezzinaDoreen Mccarthy by Magazzeno ArtFDFederica Corona & Juan TorresFOSSIL.IZFraction Design StudioHighsocietyHumi designKAUCHKona Backpackas by Blash DesignLamitexLeuchtwerk / Risch&GrassLuce PossibileMaison DeuxMARMOREXMenia, make clear waterMOMENT COLLECTIONNataly Rodriguez Design StudioNeubau eyewearNio CocktailsNunzia Ponsillo_Design StudioScrollinoSeà DesignSTOBEStudio AgneStudio Carolijn SlottjeStudioNandoTEdo DesignTedzukuri AtelierTeodora Jevtic. Interior Architecture & DesignTrashsurfboardVeronica Antonucci Jewellery
Eugenia Maria Canepone
Eugenia Maria Canepone
Dilara Çebi
Federica Cristaudo
Ege Miray Kaman
Manuela Laurenti
Nikolas Miranda
Tasha Terenina
Designers: Eugenia Maria CaneponeDilara ÇebiFederica CristaudoEge Miray KamanManuela LaurentiNikolas MirandaTasha Terenina
Email: hello@milandesignmarket.com
Web site: www.milandesignmarket.com
Facebook: @milandesignmarket
Instagram: @milandesignmarket
8 Monday
9 Tuesday
18:00 - 23:00
Party / cocktail - Milan Design Market — Opening Event
Party / cocktail - Milan Design Market — Opening Event
11:00 - 21:00
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
10 Wednesday
11:00 - 21:00
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
11 Thursday
11:00 - 21:00
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
12 Friday
11:00 - 21:00
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
13 Saturday
11:00 - 21:00
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
14 Sunday
11:00 - 21:00
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Exhibition - Milan Design Market — Find the lost city

on map
of the event
of the event
of the event -
Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Riccardo Bertani -
Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Riccardo Bertani -
Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Arianna Paternuosto -
Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Arianna Paternuosto -
Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Arianna Paternuosto -
Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Antonio Mocchetti -
Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Antonio Mocchetti -
Milan Design Market — Find the lost city
Antonio Mocchetti