

An engaging collective will welcome the public in the Art Luxury Gallery in via P. Sottocorno 27, Milan

Abstract art is an artistic movement of the early 1900s; born with the avant-gardes, when in the paintings there is no longer any reference to reality. The main elements of the collective are the pure colors, the light, the elementary forms and the transport of the sensations that the artists make to try with their own works; each painting is interpreted in its own way, based on the current state of mind and the imagination it has. The collective aims to bring together all those who want to be surrounded by art: art lovers and lovers, collectors, students, curious, critics and all those who want to immerse themselves in a place full of emotions given by art.

The exhibition at the Art Luxury Gallery in Milan will remain open until May 2, with a vernissage on Friday, April 12, 2019.

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Art Luxury

Brands: Art Luxury



Tags: Art


Gaia Giovanella: 392 0529215

email: artluxurysrls@gmail.com

8 Monday
9 Tuesday
10 Wednesday
11 Thursday
12 Friday
18:30 - 21:00
Exhibition - Exhibition of the collective abstract art with vernissage
13 Saturday
14 Sunday
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