viale Abruzzi 42
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Aprile 2018
The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) presents My Practice, My Politics - an exhibition with selected works by 20 recent bachelor and master KABK graduates and students from the Fine Arts and Design disciplines.
“The personal is political. Whether explicit or implicit, there is an embedded political dimension to everything we do. My Practice, My Politics explores how art, too, is inherently political. The exhibition aims to expand our ideas on political modes of expression. Through a wide array of artistic practices, the presentation conveys manifestations, interfaces and exchanges between the individual and the societal.
My Practice, My Politics portrays the way in which artists and designers capture their views on society through the subject matter they explore, the language and tools they employ, the aesthetics they manifest, and the communities they engage.”
The KABK has invited curators Saskia van Stein and Agata Jaworska to make a selection of work by recent bachelor and master KABK graduates and students from the Fine Arts and Design disciplines.
The exhibition concept is supervised by Roosje Klap and Niels Schrader co-heads of the bachelor Graphic Design and master Non-Linear Narrative at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK).
Curatorial statement & Press release (in English, Dutch, Italian)
Eline Benjaminsen
Kristina Benjocki
Jean-Baptiste Castel
Yamuna Forzani
Bas Froon
Daniel Grumer
Miguel Peres dos Santos
Katarina Petrović
Tereza Rullerova
Fahmy Shahin
Nienke Sikkema
Gitte Svendsen
Lisa van Casand
Vera van de Seyp
Lieke Vernooy
Abel Wolff
Presentazione - by Katarina Petrović (Master ArtScience, 2016) and Daniel Grumer (Master Type and Media, 2016). Moderation by Agata Jaworska, co-curator of My Practice, My Politics.
Presentazione - by Vera van de Seyp (Graphic Design, 2016) and Gitte Svendsen (Fine Arts, 2017). With an introduction to the graphic design department, and moderation by Niels Schrader, co-head of Graphic Design and Non-Linear Narrative.
Presentazione - by Klodiana Millona (Master of Interior Architecture, 2017). With moderation and an outline to the interdisciplinary approach of the department by Hans Venhuizen, head of Interior Architecture (INSIDE).
Presentazione - by Yamuna Forzani (Textile and Fashion, 2016) and Sarah Lauwaert (Textile and Fashion, 2016). Moderation by Roosje Klap, co-head of Graphic Design and the master Non-Linear Narrative.
Presentazione - by Bas Froon (Industrial Design, 2017). With a discussion on (re)designing industry by Maaike Roozenburg, head of the master department Industrial Design.
Presentazione - by Klaus Jung, head of the bachelor department Fine Arts.
Festa / cocktail - opening party Futura. Featuring performances by Yamuna Forzani and Katarina Petrović. Word of welcome by Saskia van Stein and Agata Jaworska, curators of My Practice, My Politics.
Presentazione - Presentations by Fahmy Shahin (Interactive/Media/Design, 2016) and Lisa van Casand (Photography, 2017). Moderation by Janine Huizenga, head of the bachelor department Interactive / Media / Design.

sulla mappa
dell'evento -
Stefania Tagliabue