
Blog 2011


Blog Image Lambrate 2011: energia positiva.
Thursday, 14 April 2011 | 10:24
di Marta Sampietro

EVENTO: Ventura Lambrate 2011
VOTO: stellina stellina stellina stellina stellina

Se siete interessati alle novità e agli stimoli di certo non potete perdervi le meravigliose creazioni dei designer e architetti che espongono in zona Lambrate. Vecchi magazzini, capannoni grigi e vuoti sono stati trasformati in vetrine espositive per creazioni brillanti. Designer e architetti internazionali hanno ricreato angoli personali in cui esporre le loro produzioni e, talvolta, ricreare dei veri e propri punti di vendita. In assoluto la miglior energia respirata in questi primi giorni di fuorisalone 2011.

4 COMMENTI a questo post
Esther Sunday, 22 September 2013 | 20:28 I have a similar tote in braset cancer swirly pink? Gals. Let me tell you. I agree with this Vera gal. I can stuff so much stuff in it. It is amazing. I have my planner, calander(both, my lifeline) Vera items of the following: pencil case, all around wristlet, small and large make-up bag. one is used for a video camera, tech case for a camera, change purse, book, medicine, phone, credit card holder, id case. and then the other stuff like a book, magazine, meds, other makeup, snacks, gum, periodical, trade mags, files. It holds up too. I turned the baby bag into a brief case, talk about room, and I take the baby bag to cheerleading competitions filles wth stuff we might neeed : water, snacks, highlighters, pens, safty pins needle, and thread, ..So if you don't have one you should. I hope one day Vera makes a brief case. I would buy it in a heart beat and match it with the computer carrier and accessories for business.
Anderson Tuesday, 24 September 2013 | 10:52 Site's looking great as are your degniss. Nice work man. Ive been following off and on but need to get on here more often. Glad to see things are going well and hope you are enjoying London Town! Take care man.
Elvin Tuesday, 24 September 2013 | 19:28 I enjoy all the different selyts and color patterns. I purchase for my three daughters, siblings, and grand daughters. I notice most of your ads show teens, young mothers, however those of us over 50 are buying for ourselves, as well as the younger generations. I look forward to purchasing the gallery wallet; it reminds me of another product with a shoulder strap I purchased years ago. Thank you for lasting products and yet refreshing products, so I want to always have another! [url=]uqgfqr[/url] [link=]kbbybe[/link]
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