User Emotion
Corso Garibaldi, 104
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April 2017
Everyday Objects, with superpowers
The start-up THINGK, born in 2015 as a spin-off of Politecnico di Milano, is a perfect blend of the best core competencies of this university: Design and Technology. The payoff (everyday objects, with superpowers) describes clearly the goal: strengthen the tradition of Made in Italy in the field of design-oriented products, adding a new driver (technology) to the traditional elements, such as the research on natural materials , the high quality finishes, the attention to details.
Thanks to the "superpowers" given by technology, THINGK products are not only beautiful, they are exciting. A block of wood revealing digital information, a flat piece of leather transmitting electric power, a smart fabric detecting human touches, these are just some of the innovations that THINGK will introduce during Milan Design week 2017. In the space in Corso Garibaldi 104, within Brera Design District, you will be able to see the products Slab! and Desk! just before the market launch (scheduled immediately after the end of MDW2017). Moreover, you will be able to see the results of the collaboration between THINGK and other firms: Artemide (Ligthing), Artnova (Living), and Mukako (furniture for kids).
"Hybridize Design and Technology to switch from User Experience to User Emotion": Slab! and Desk! fully embody this design philosophy.
10.00 -22.00
Sito Web:
Presentation - [MU]table - Preview Kickstarter Campaign
Party / cocktail - THINGK Closing Party

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