Dimensione Domestica Act II
Fondazione Achille Castiglioni
Piazza Castello, 27
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April 2017
Fondazione Achille Castiglioni continues its cultural strategy oriented to the organisation and curatorship of exhibitions. “L’altra metà dell’avanguardia” (2013), “Gibigiana” (2013) and “Camera di Commercio” (2014) are exhibitions that have been realized thanks to the sharing of important projects showing the career of Castiglioni brothers.
On March 6th 2017 will be inaugurated a new exhibition which aims to analyze in an inventive way the theme of “Dimensione Domestica” by the Castiglioni brothers. (The name is “Dimensione Domestica”).
This project, developed within three years (2016, 2017 and 2018), reflects the way of living; in 2016 “Ambiente di Soggiorno”, by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for the show “Colori e forme della casa d’oggi” (Villa Olmo, Como, 1957), has been reproposed; this year is presented “Ambiente Arredato per il Pranzo” of the exhibition entitled “La casa abitata” (Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 1965); in 2018, the expository series will close with a new setting up of “Ambiente per il Pranzo”, invented by Achille Castiglioni for the show “Mobili italiani” (Tokyo, 1984). This event will coincide with the centenary of the author’s birth.
For each of these exhibitions, in the spaces of Fondazione Achille Castiglioni in Milan, at 27 Piazza Castello, a philological reconstruction of the room, designed in different historical periods by Castiglioni brothers, will be presented; together with rare and original archive material, so that visitors can better understand the characteristics of the surrounding environment together with Achille and Pier Giacomo’s approach to design.
The exhibition “Dimensione Domestica” is curated by Beppe Finessi, the graphic is by Italo Lupi and the setting up by Marco Marzini, who presents also his own interpretation of a domestic space at the entrance of the Foundation.
“Each table with a tablecloth is a shelter. A small house that lasts the time of a dinner, as long as guests don’t come back home … if they can.” – Marco Marzini
Exhibition - Guided visits BY RESERVATION ONLY

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