"E-reporter" (digital reporter)
Person with camera or mobile telephone who snaps pictures, captures glances and points of view on the events. A new professional figure who, by means of digital technologies, produces and shares information through multi-device platforms.
Nokia Nseries will make its technology available to a group of E-reporters. Ten young people will be provided with Nokia N82 or Nokia N95 8 GB multimedia computers equipped with a 5 mega pixel camera. Thanks to the Nseries devices and their extensive connection capabilities, the selected E-reporters can capture the best moments of the exhibition and publish them online instantly. The most noteworthy multimedia content will then be uploaded onto Share on Ovi, Nokia’s new community for sharing personal media that enables users to easily upload, manage and share contents for free through a mobile device, PC or other connected device (www.ovi.com/share) The E-reporter with the most beautiful pictures will win a Nokia N82.
Ovi photo gallery:
Da bravo studente (laureato da poco) del Polivacanze Bovisa Politecnico, e Graphic Designer in erba non posso che amare il FuoriSalone, la settimana in cui il Design, e la cultura del Progetto diventano il cuore pulsante di una Milano che non si ferma mai!FuoriSalone! Una settimana FUORI dalle regole...Una macchina fotografica, molta strada da percorrere ed una storia da raccontare! D come Design e Divertimento, Esibizioni, EppiAuar, Apertivi e Party memorabili in cui imbucarsi grazie al nostro Mitico PASS! E per dormire? Tranquilli...c'è tutto il resto dell'anno!
As a student (graduated on last September) of Politecnico di Milano and junior Graphic Designer I really love FuoriSalone! During this week Design become the bouncing heart of Milan, a city which never stop! FuoriSalone! A week to spend completely out of order! A camera, a thousand places to go ad a story to tell! D stands for Design and Don't stop having fun!!! Exibitions, Happy hour and memorable Party to rock hard with friends!!!
And what about having a break? Stay cool, there's a whole year in front of us to relax!