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Julie Luchsinger

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Eventi speciali

"E-reporter" (digital reporter)
Person with camera or mobile telephone who snaps pictures, captures glances and points of view on the events. A new professional figure who, by means of digital technologies, produces and shares information through multi-device platforms.

E.reporter Partner

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Ho sempre amato andare in giro per le città con la mia piccola videocamera ed è per questo che ora frequento il corso di video design alll'Istituto Europeo di Design. Dai primi anni del liceo ho cominciato a seguire il fuori salone e sono molto contenta che quest'anno ci abbiano permesso di contribuire!

I've always loved to wander around the city with my little camera and it's for this that now I attend the IED's course of video design in Milan.
The early years of high school I started to follow the Outsaloon and I am very pleased that this year we have permission to contribute!
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E.reporters Fuorisalone

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