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Anna serena Vitale

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"E-reporter" (digital reporter)
Person with camera or mobile telephone who snaps pictures, captures glances and points of view on the events. A new professional figure who, by means of digital technologies, produces and shares information through multi-device platforms.

E.reporter Partner

Anna serena
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Total sent pictures100
Camera: nikon d50
Sono una Designer con la passione per la Fotografia..o una fotografa con la passione per il design..fa lo stesso..nei miei lavori sono una cosa sola, si interscambiano, dialogano, si esprimono. E' un mondo molto particolare dove pochi gesti, pochi movimenti, creano scenari spettacolari in cui ritrovarsi, costruire nuove vite e nuove storie."[..]immagini sparate in tutte le direzioni!tante immagini..tante vite, una pluralità incontrollabile, l'irrecuperabile..sembrano tante donne diverse..sembianze incompatibili..[..]"Adoro la luce..i colori saturi, i contrasti, i luoghi affollati..Fotografare è ricordare..di solito si comincia così..per fermare dei momenti;quando smetti di fermare e cominci ad osservare allora cominci a diventare un fotografo.Io vorrei osservare...

I am a Designer with the passion for the Photo..or a photographer with the passion for the design..it's the same..in my jobs are an alone thing, him interscambianos, converse, they are expressed.It's a very particular world where few gestures, few movements, create spectacular sceneries in which to find, to build new lives and new histories."[..] imagine shoot in all the directions!so many images..so many lives, an uncontrollable plurality, the irrecoverable one..so many different women seem..incompatible semblances..[..] " I adore the light..the saturated colors, the contrasts, the crowded places..To photograph is to remember..he usually starts this way..to stop some moments;when stop to stop and you start to observe then you start to become a photographer.I would want to observe...
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E.reporters Fuorisalone

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