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Rotate Street View
When: from 11 April 2010 until 18 April 2010
Location: Pervinca
viale Stelvio, 52

Published on: Saturday 10 April

Altrosguardo design is pleased to invite you to display:

"WeJustMake Company"
PERVINCA Open Space - Viale Stelvio 52, Milan
under "MILAN FUORISALONE" 13 to 19 April 2010

Present some proposals for "open source design" of our production 2009-2010.
Objects recovered and re-conceptualized in a limited edition furnishings, halfway between art and craft.

Info:  http://www.myspace.com/altrosguardo 


Wednesday, April 14 - Opening Celebration:
Happy hour from 17.00 and party with DJ sets from 20.30 to 23.30

Tuesday 13 & 15 from Thursday to Monday, April 19:
Non-Opening: aperitif served from 17.00

Dates and times:

Open to public from Tuesday 13 to Monday, April 19.

Tuesday 13: time slot from 9.00 to 20.30 continuously
Wednesday 14: time slot from 9.00 to 23.30 continuously
From Thursday 15 to Monday 19: 9.00 to 20.30 continuously



AltroSguardo design
proposed projects that employed the imagination, perception and emotion. We are inspired by the road, meeting with people and use of traditional materials and objects reclaimed through a conversion project, are processed, assembled, given a different life with creations bizarre, ironic and provocative. The result is a collection of often bizarre, halfway between art and design. Unique pieces that tell stories.

Our aim is to create useful objects, avoiding the tendency to attribute meanings to their creations and abstract concepts, often sacrificing functionality and practicality.
Our products do not depart from a predetermined plan but what is that you meet along the way and what could become.
Often encounter something unexpected while you try another. Other times it is a process we like to call "open source design. A creative process during which a design produced on industrial scale and intended for a specific use is transformed into something with a different function.

We look forward to:

"WeJustMake Company
Pervinca Open Space - Viale Stelvio, 52
Milan - FuoriSalone
13 to 19 April 2010

Mara Mattia Menegatti & Melloncelli

Altrosguardo design

Phone 338/9770775 (Matthias)
Mail: altrosguardo@lifegate.it
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/altrosguardo
Facebook: altrosguardo design


During the week of FuoriSalone Perinca host exposure WeJustMake Company. This is a group of young designers, declining between product design and furnishing, the readymade, fashion and graphics follow the theme of contemporaneity between thinking and doing: the work of each of the seven exhibitors covers all stages of the life of a project from concept to sale, through production and communication.

The Company WeJustMake try to respond to the challenges faced by a young designer who first enters the world of work. The frequent lack of an official place to try to oppose a type of activity linked to the world of self and a constant research aimed at identifying strategies to ensure that this activity may be a viable way forward.

The seven participants WeJustMake Company are:

Fabrizio Pollaci - This is the creator of the entire event. Student at Politecnico di Milano, focuses on product design but try to extend the design approach to almost anything. The main component of his work is often narrative in nature: a project, it is, a table, an event or a cake, must send a story to the end user.

Gaetano Crivello e Paolo Zaami  - Even their students in Product Design, are concerned primarily in the discovery of good form, alternating the use of traditional materials to the study of innovative materials. Interesting is their attention to detail unseen, but often crucial to the success of a product.

Altrosguardo, Mattia Menegatti e Mara Melloncelli - Engaging in a personal search and selection for the recovery of apparently useless or unusable items: music, theater research, communication, design and craftsmanship that contaminate. We seek practical solutions from a re-conceptualization of the everyday.

Fabiana Grasso  - It deals with fashion design. That the suit can be un'autoproduzione idea is gaining ground, and she embraces the following style Tramp highly recognizable in its products.

Paolo Costa - is the oldest of the group. For years, carries out research related to the world of composites, and the minimal impact of product designs, both environmentally and in terms of production costs and final.

Eugenio Altieri  - Student at Politecnico di Milano inspiration highly experimental trials that may exist now in contamination between the design and visual communication, now in the intelligence with which he made the pieces for their shows.
The Company falls within WeJustMake TimeBalance Project. The initiative, which takes its name from one of the products presented at Periwinkle, also provides for the organization:

A workshop, "Design Your Time" - each visitor can arm themselves with post-it notes and pen and draw an action that represents them.
Post-it will add up to the walls of Periwinkle and at the end of the week of design actions designed to become part of the balance of time, which serves to "weigh" the way we live;

a cycle of performance audio / video and dj set
- even the music can be self-produced, this is the reason that drives NextStep Events Association to offer its expertise to Pervinca, a project started recently with the ambition to give voice and half anyone who wants to propose in multimedia;

a series of meetings, "open parenthesis"
- graphic designers and communication tell themselves and their work to the public through a slideshow of Periwinkle.

Info:  http://www.myspace.com/altrosguardo 


More info
Sito http:// www.altrosguardodesign.it
Telefono 338/9770775

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