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Angélique DeVil. Eros e Design al femminile per il Fuori Salone 2010
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Rotate Street View
When: from 13 April 2010 until 19 April 2010
Location: Angélique DeVil
via Cerva, 7

Published on: Monday 29 March

 Eros e Design. Al femminile. (Eros and Design. A feminine perspective)

 Two exhibitions connecting projects and shapes. In via Cerva concept store.


"Voluttuose confessioni" (Voluptuous confessions) by Catherine Faity, features the sewer telling her story through needle-and-thread, revealing from deep inside "les rèves les plus fou".


"The Flower’s Choice: lascia che il tuo Fiore scelga il suo Vaso” (Let your flower choose its vase) , project by Laura Buddensieg. Artists and designers interpret patterns and shake, creating the ideal place for any flower. Among others; Matteo Bosco, Antonio Barrese, Fausto Salvi, Veit Streitenberger





More info
Sito http:// www.angeliquedevil.com
Telefono 0292885593

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