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Rotate Street View
When: from 13 April 2010 until 19 April 2010
Location: Via Tortona 20
via Tortona, 20

Published on: Sunday 21 March


Two  artists exhibit their work creating a magical fusion of new and old

The antique Chinese wall of the dynasty Qing exhibited with ancient Tibetan trunks, rock crystals and modern paintings of faceless men.

An eclectic mix of two artists with two radically different visions :  Pietro di Lecce a young painter together with Alberto Orlandi  who has more than twenty years of experience as a designer and collector. 

The occasion is the Fuorisalone del Mobile form 13 to 19 April .

Pietro Di Lecce is a young painter that has been painting for years introspective images of men without faces, his inspiration comes from his passion of classic mythology . For the event he has created a series of  “canvas-Boxes” that englobe small but important objects of antique populations and habits long lost.

Alberto Orlandi has created an  exhibition composed of precious and antique pieces such as the antique wall dating back to a noble Chinese home in the 700s o as well as examples of  his superb craftsmanship so evident in his Ostrich eggs mounted on Silver and coral.

Orlandi  is a designer of precious object and jewels, well know and acclaimed in his native city Milan . He will also be presenting a collection of antique Tibetan trunks, Gorgonian coral , antique horns that ward off the evil eye and rock Crystal in many different dimensions.

All pieces  inspired or chosen personally  during his many  voyages in China

Alberto and Pietro share the same idea that any space can be decorated in a creative, eclectic  and innovative way, fun and care free a bit like their objects.





More info
Sito http:// http://www.impactinnovation.it/espositori.html
Telefono 3392224336

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