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Anna Zampieri

Eventi speciali

"E-reporter" (digital reporter)
Person with camera or mobile telephone who snaps pictures, captures glances and points of view on the events. A new professional figure who, by means of digital technologies, produces and shares information through multi-device platforms.

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Total sent pictures119
Camera: fujifilm finepix z100
felicità, tristezza, gioia di vivere e di morire, dinamismo, staticità, equilibrio... tutto in un semplice click, catturato in un attimo, una volta per sempre! ecco cos'è la fotografia per me: il ricordo inestinguibile di qualcosa da non dimenticare.e cosa meglio del design per sperimentare nuovi punti di vista?nuovi scatti fotografici?sempre diversi come solo il design può essere...

happyness, sadness, joy of life and death, dynamism, immobility, balance... everything in a easy click, catch in a while, forever!this is what photography is for me: undying memory of something you can't forget.and what's better than design to try new point of view? new photo releases? always different as only design can be...
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