"E-reporter" (digital reporter)
Person with camera or mobile telephone who snaps pictures, captures glances and points of view on the events. A new professional figure who, by means of digital technologies, produces and shares information through multi-device platforms.
E.reporter Partner

Anima in pena. Furniture Designer. Non-sto-mai-ferma. Dona un sorriso anche tu! Cuoca apprendista. Apprendista della vita. Aspirante Designer.Eccomi. Sono Alessandra, 23 anni, ricci e folti capelli. Frequento il Poli per la specialistica in Product Service System Design e ho sempre mille attività da seguire. Sono già stata E.reporter nel 2007 ed è stata una bella esperienza, per quanto massacrante. Ma già che io al Fuorisalone tendo a viverci, perchè non fare di nuovo la E.reporter?
Soul in torment. Furniture Designer. I-never-stop. Donate a smile! Chef trainee. Life trainee. Wishful designer. Here I am. I'm Alessandra, 23 years old, curly hair. I'm studying at Poli for my master of science in Product Service System Design and I have always plenty things to do. I was E.reporter in 2007 and it was a nice experience, even if it was tiring. Considering that I live in the Fuorisalone, why should I not be again an E.reporter?