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Elsa Ienna

Eventi speciali

"E-reporter" (digital reporter)
Person with camera or mobile telephone who snaps pictures, captures glances and points of view on the events. A new professional figure who, by means of digital technologies, produces and shares information through multi-device platforms.

Nokia Nseries will make its technology available to a group of E-reporters. Ten young people will be provided with Nokia N82 or Nokia N95 8 GB multimedia computers equipped with a 5 mega pixel camera. Thanks to the Nseries devices and their extensive connection capabilities, the selected E-reporters can capture the best moments of the exhibition and publish them online instantly. The most noteworthy multimedia content will then be uploaded onto Share on Ovi, Nokia’s new community for sharing personal media that enables users to easily upload, manage and share contents for free through a mobile device, PC or other connected device (www.ovi.com/share) The E-reporter with the most beautiful pictures will win a Nokia N82.

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Camera: nikon coolpix s3
Mi chiamo Elsa, ho 21 anni e frequento il corso di 'Design della comunicazione' del politecnico di milano. Finalmente riesco a candidarmi in tempo per fare l'e-reporter del fuorisalone! Evvai!Dunque, devo descrivermi: sono una ragazza simpatica,spigliata e molto socievole. Adoro divertirmi e cimentarmi in esperienze nuove e come ogni comune mortale in zona Milano adoro il fuori salone!!Sono molto interessata a fare l'e-reporter per un guadagno reciproco, ovvero se da una parte io avrò l'opportunità di catturare con la macchina fotografica i momenti più belli di quella settimana, dall'altra voi avrete una persona in più su cui contare per reperire il materiale!Il fatto che sia una persona scherzosa e vivace non include che possa essere inaffidabile o irresponsabile riguardo al mio impegno con voi. L'incarico sarà svolto con serietà.vi ringrazio per l'attenzione.

Hi ,my name is Elsa and i attend the course of Comunication Design at the Politecnico of Milan.Finally i made it in proposing myself as a candidate for the Fuorisalone e-reporter!!So.. i'll introduce myself: i'm a 21 years old girl, very outgoing and witty . I love to get to know new people and face new experiences and, of course, like any young girl in milan i love the fuorisalone!I'm very interested in doing the e-reporter because not only it will be a pleasure to me to take part of this event but i'll be also happy to help achievieng pictures of the fuorisalone for the website!No need to mention that even if i'm a very playful and outgoing person it doesn't mean that i won't do my reporter duty or that i won't be responsable in doing it.
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E.reporters Fuorisalone

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