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Francesca Castelli

Eventi speciali

"E-reporter" (digital reporter)
Person with camera or mobile telephone who snaps pictures, captures glances and points of view on the events. A new professional figure who, by means of digital technologies, produces and shares information through multi-device platforms.

Nokia Nseries will make its technology available to a group of E-reporters. Ten young people will be provided with Nokia N82 or Nokia N95 8 GB multimedia computers equipped with a 5 mega pixel camera. Thanks to the Nseries devices and their extensive connection capabilities, the selected E-reporters can capture the best moments of the exhibition and publish them online instantly. The most noteworthy multimedia content will then be uploaded onto Share on Ovi, Nokia’s new community for sharing personal media that enables users to easily upload, manage and share contents for free through a mobile device, PC or other connected device (www.ovi.com/share) The E-reporter with the most beautiful pictures will win a Nokia N82.

Ovi photo gallery:


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Total sent pictures129
Camera: canon EOS 300D
Sentire, vedere, immaginare, osservare, esplorare, imparare. I miei verbi preferiti.Sempre pronta a riconoscere la bellezza che mi trovo davanti, anche nel luogo più nascosto.In viaggio, in movimento, con curiosità. La mia condizione di vita ideale. Ma impossibile senza compagni di viaggio.e senza le mie passioni, arte, musica, grafica, disegno, lettura…fotografia. Troppe cose amo e vorrei fare, ogni scelta è combattuta.Affascinata da ogni forma di creatività ed espressione dell’animo umano, ciò che mi rapisce veramente è l’immagine da catturare da far sbocciare, da interpretare, quella che racconta una storia…Milano sceglie una settimana all’anno per guizzare fra colori e luci, vestirsi a festa e farti sorridere, girare la testa, ispirarti. E non vorresti perderti un minuto di quello che sta attorno…novità, suggestioni, idee, divertimento. Fuorisalone è questo per me fotografarlo una visione, un diario di viaggio da condividere.

To feel, see, imagine, observe, learn. My favourite verbs.Ready everytime to recognize the beaty around me, even in the most hidden place.Travelling, moving, with curiosity. My ideal life condition. Impossible without who travels with me. And without my passions: art, music, graphics, drawing, reading…photography.Too many things I love and I’d love to experience.Fascinated by any kind of crativity and expression of people, what captures me, is the image to capture, discover, think, the one that tells a story…Milan chooses a week every year to glow in colors and lights, dress up, and made up smile, it goes to your head, inspires. And you wish not to lose a minute of what’s around you… novelties, suggestions, ideas, fun. Fuorisalone is all this for me, to report it, a vision, a travelbook to share.
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E.reporters Fuorisalone

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