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Milan, 27th of March 2008
The Legend is Back.
the most significant Czech furniture manufacturer
of the last century, is making a comeback.
From 16th to 21st of April
Magna Pars – Sala Happening – Via Tortona 15 – Milano
PRESS PREVIEW TUESDAY 15th of April from 3pm to 7pm
"Happy hours" every day 5 - 7 p.m. from 16th to 21st of April
UP závody is a Czech design and manufacturing company which continues the strong tradition of the most significant Czech furniture manufacturer of the last century.
In the first half of the 20th century, UP závody became known to furniture connoisseurs the world over. At that time, Czech furniture was able to find its place in the international market thanks to its unique combination of timeless design, functionality, traditional craftsmanship, original business strategy and attractive marketing. The extraordinary talent and efforts of UP’s lead architect, Jindrich Halabala, played an indispensable role in the success of the UP brand, which soon became a paragon for other manufacturers. The new UP závody is inspired by this tradition and aims to build upon the once famous UP brand by combining the best of contemporary Czech design with high-quality craftsmanship.
UP závody was re-established in 2007. The new furniture line, suitable for both private and public interiors, came into being under the artistic direction of Maxim Velcovsky and represents an authentic statement by designers who have come into the spotlight in recent years due to their outstanding work as well as featuring the re-edition of Jindrich Halabala’s work. At Designblok 2007 in Prague at the beginning of October 2007, UP Závody introduces an array of furniture pieces from this new line, which will be presented to international public at design shows in Milan, London and New York in 2008.
UP závody has won the MANIFACTURER OF THE YEAR category in the CZECH BRAND DESIGN contest - the 2007 annual Design Academy Award.
UP závody was nominated for a rediscovery of a legendary czech brand UP and a new furniture collection creation according to the contemporary (present) czech designers concept.
Czech Republic Design Academy Annual Awards are organised to invite the attention of experts and the public to the remarkable achievements in the field of design. These awards present an opportunity to value and recognise the work of Czech designers and at the same time, provide an extraordinary platform to the Czech designs at a global scale.
The Design academy has made great efforts to present and highlight the talent which the Czech designers express through their designs and products. This selection is done by an expert evaluation of their designs and products without them entering any form of competition and a very broad scale. and is done by a jury set by the Czech Republic Design Academy represented by theorists, trustees, critics and publishers from the design field.
UP závody - HISTORY
Between 1920 and 1948, UP závody (United Arts and Crafts Manufacture) were considered one of the biggest and the most important furniture producers in the Czechoslovakia. It was the first company to produce manufactured furniture, and it managed to bring the design of the products into line with fashion trends and contemporary needs accordingly to world trends. It influenced the concept of modern housing culture and the form of decor as well as the shape of public interiors and their facilities.
UP závody was established in 1920 by the merger of Karel Slaví?ek´s Artistic, Furniture and Building Joinery Workshop and the factory called Jan Van?k´s Arts and Craft Workshops. Right up until 1925, producing furniture designed by external fellow-workers dominated the production. Apart from Czech architects, well known German and Austrian architects worked and designed for UP závody.
In the second half of the 20th century as the consequence of economic measure, UP cut down the cooperation with architects and it started to produce furniture within its own development. Under the supervision of Vladimír Mare?ek, the company switched to standardized furniture production and the lot manufacture started in 1927.
Jind?ich Halabala was considered one of the most important figures of UP závody. Owing to his talent and vehemence, the manager of a Prague company store rose to become the leading architect in the Brno headquarters. He was responsible for the range of products composition, he designed some of the pieces of furniture and he determined the shape of sales promotion. His aim was to produce the best manufactured furniture at reasonable prices. Thus, the goods were affordable to the broadest strata of the population. Mainly by dint of great effort from Halabala’s part, UP závody became the synonym of good taste and quality housing. In their store chain, UP závody offered a full range of household equipment. UP závody furniture succeeded due to optimal combination of perfect design, utility and practicality. It became an example for many other producers that copied UP enterprise furniture. In the 40s, UP závody opened to world, it presented its exposition of the Czech furniture at the New York World’s Fair in 1947 and succeeded in the marketplace, mainly in the UK. The brand survived WWII, however, after the nationalization, the idea of producing goods for middle and upper class changed. The exclusive brand became mass production and a new production schedule called “U series” started up. Furniture was exported to Russia or Mongolia where it was impossible to monitor the famous goods quality. Inspired by the tradition of the most important Czech furniture producer United Arts and Crafts Manufacture, UP brand is coming back.
Some news about Maxim Velcovský - art director of this show: Graduate of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (AAAD), Maxim Velcovský (1976) focuses on the design of products and their context Besides his work for the Qubus design studio, which he co-founded in 2002 with Jakub Berdych, he now serves as a creative director of the furniture manufacturer "UP závody". He has developed a specific approach to the context, giving new meaning to old objects, a process he calls "restarting". He has participated in sixty joint exhibitions and his works can be found, for example, in the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague or Mudac Lausanne. His portfolio includes designs for private galleries, as well as large multinationals. His works for the Qubus design studio are included in the book "Twenty-First Century Design" by Marcus Fairs. In 2007, Tom Dixon in his book “& Fork” listed him as one of the world's 100 most exceptional young product designers of the last five years.
We cordially invite you to come to the UP zavody Stand at Magna Pars
to meet those behind the comeback of UP
and the designers who helped create its new line of products.
RSVP and more information: Eva Leicmanová, mobile (+420) 777 711 298,
Product – Designed by – Name of Product
• table - Olgoj Chorchoj - JAZZPER
• table - Jan Padrnos - HEAVY SKY
• chair - Jindrich Halabala - H 79
• table - Jindrich Halabala - H 168
• bookcase - Maxim Velcovský - FABRIKA
• bookcase - Jirí Pelcl - COMENIUS
• armchairs - Martin Hašek - LITTLE BIG BOX
• armchairs - Vladimír Žák - KUBIKULA
• sofa - Maxim Velcovský - MOZAIC
• sofa - Jan Padrnos - COUPLE
• chair - Klára Šípková - KLÁRA
Viale Piceno 21, 20129
T. + 39 02 89 00 632
F. + 39 02 74 96 316