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24 March 2006
RLD République Libre du Design
Periodo dal 05 April 2006 al 04 May 2006
Location le Centre culturel français
Indirizzo corso Magenta 63

Inauguration: on Thurday 6th April, 6.00 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.

Visiting hours: 10.00 a.m.- 8.00 p.m every day from 5th April to 9th April

On the occasion of the Salone del Mobile 2006 event, the French Cultural Centre of Milan presents the RLD République Libre du Design©, an ideological State of research going across all the Continents and all the Countries, with the aim to unite all those people who want to go beyond the industrial design (in the strict sense of the word) in order to investigate new possible territories for design.

This Exhibition wants to explore these new territories destined to develop themselves and to become an integral part of the design art in the next years. Today the term “design” represents a group of professions, some of which completely new: graphic design, web design, food design, fashion design, sound design, garden design, etc. The mapping of design is becoming wider and wider.

The RLD République Libre du Design© wants to draw a map of the new territories of this discipline; a map which is however neither exhaustive (since it is impossible) nor complete (since it is always in progress).

Per maggiori informazioni:

Sito http:// lecentreculturelfrancaisdemilan.it
Mail presse@culturemilan.it
Telefono +39 02 4859191


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