ZonaTortona is a project of Recapito Milanese.
ZonaTortona is the most important milanese circuit "fuorisalone"
The Locations |
Savona 35
Via Savona 35
Superstudio Più
Via Tortona 27
Superstudio 13
Via Forcella 13
Industria Superstudio
Via Forcella 13
Magna Pars
Via Tortona 15
Recapito Milanese
Via Savona 11
The Producer
Via Tortona 12
Studio Light Ex Riva Calzoni
Via Stendhal 36
Emporio 31 Design Outlet
Via Tortona 31
C.P. Company / Stone Island
Via Savona 54
Spazio Industria
Via Bugatti 7
Via Bergognone 27
Cucineria Lombardia
Via Savona 19/A
Via Tortona 4
Via Savona 53
Via Savona 97
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This is the third year Recapito Milanese, an agency which plans services for business communication and which mostly operates in the design sector, organizes, simultaneously to Milan’s International Furniture Fair, a range of activities and events designed to create synergies between the different exhibitions situated in the area between Porta Genova, via Savona and via Tortona.
Recapito Milanese aims to create in the area a circle of events and locations designed to encourage the establishment of a qualified and creative pole for international design. The coordination process consists in giving a coherent image to the entire project: this means creating a track “along the pavements” using red signs to establish a visual connection between the different showrooms, producing and distributing maps of the area listing the events and the exhibitors, organizing a shuttle and car service to make the visitors transfers to and from the Fair and the city center easier.
The project called Zona Tortonaâ is based on this set of activities.
During the first two editions, in 2002 and 2003, Zona Tortona enjoyed a considerable and increasing success, in terms of national and international visibility as well as in terms of the interest it rose in the people operating in this sector: with their large and qualified presence, they have transformed it in a big and unanimous event, not to be missed during the period of the “Fuori Salone”.
Alongside Superstudiopiù, which houses some of the most representatives brands of the international design, some traditional locations, such as Magna Pars, Superstudio 13, Industria Superstudio, will this year be part of the circuit too; for the occasion, the locations will be borrowed from other firms, as well as from shops, bars and restaurants that are willing to welcome the “people of design”.
Recapito Milanese certainly aims to consolidate and improve Zona Tortona’s activities during the Fuori Salone, but its target is above all to conceive a trademark that could promote, directly or in partnership, activities related not only to the world of design, but also to those of fashion, art, culture, technology and entertainment. It is therefore strategic to use the area’s resources in terms of locations, competences and activities grounded on the territory, and to supplement them and enrich them with external contributions, following one’s needs.
Zona Tortona wants to be a meeting occasion for the exhibiting firms, the locations, the shops, the sponsors and the press, a container of events, creativity and ideas, an area that, thanks to its social and structural configuration, enables, in several moments of the year, exhibitions that have an international relevance to acquire a “local” connotation.
For more Information: Recapito Milanese s.r.l.
Paola Pizzitutti_ Press Office Zona Tortona
Tel dir_ +39 02 58142 521
The Map